Tuesday, September 7, 2010

DEXTER!!! (Spoiler Alert!)

It seems as though my most recent TV obsession is Dexter!  I've gotta hand it off to the creators of this show...  You would never think you would actual root for a serial killer!  Or yet alone feel anything for some characters in a TV show... but somehow, they pull it off!  Chris and I find ourselves cheering on Dexter while he is on the hunt to find a bad-guy... You would think Dexter being a serial killer would make him a bad guy, but hes far from it!  Killing the men & women who kill for their own sick pleasures is what drives Dexter to kill... And it is AWESOME! haha.  Adding to it is making him a family man!  He obviously loves his family and wants nothing more to be normal, but he knows he cannot be completely normal.  But I suppose that is what gives the show its excitement and hilarity.  Watching him try to decide what the "human" thing to do is just hilarious...  Michael C. Hall is GREAT as Dexter... Don't think they could have picked someone better!We just finished watching Season 4 on DVD.... I CANNOT believe they killed off Rita!  What the hell is Dexter gonna do with 3 kids?! Haha.  I cant wait to see the next season!  I put up a trailer of the next season just incase you havent seen it yet!  If you haven't finished season 4 don't watch it!  It's a big spoiler (even though I already just spoiled it)!  The new season starts on September 26th!  I will be sitting on the edge of my seat along with ya!

And if you have not yet seen the show I suggest started at season 1 and working your way up!  You will LOVE IT! 

Link to Showtime's Dexter site!

ALSO a couple things I DID NOT know before I started watching season 4!
Michael C. Hall (Dexter Morgan) is married to Jennifer Carpenter (Debra Morgan) in real life!  WEIRD!
Michael C. Hall had cancer (Hodgkin's Lymphoma) at the beginning of the year!  I had no idea!  So glad he is doing better...  Here is a link to an article about his condition.

Ok so I KNOW I am probably way behind on that info... Oh well tho!  See ya later!

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